Sunday, 31 July 2016

Πόλεμος μεταξύ Ransomware εγκληματιών

Το Ransomware είναι ένα είδος malware που κλειδώνει κρυπτογραφικά τον σκληρό δίσκο του θύματος μέχρι αυτός να καταβάλει λύτρα.Είναι εξαιρετικά δημοφιλής μέθοδος μεταξύ των εγκληματιών του κυβερνοχώρου. Η τακτική αυτή έχει τόσο μεγάλη επιτυχία, που ορισμένοι κατασκευαστές ransomware έχουν αρχίσει να σαμποτάρουν τα ransomware των άλλων, στην προσπάθειά τους να αποτρέψουν τον ανταγωνισμό.

Στην αρχή αυτής της εβδομάδος διέρρευσαν στο διαδίκτυο 3.500 κλειδιά για ένα είδος ransomware γνωστό ως «Chimera» (Χίμαιρα), που υποτίθεται ότι επιτρέπει στα θύματα του Chimera να αποκρυπτογραφήσουν με ασφάλεια τα αρχεία τους, χωρίς να χρειαστεί να καταβάλουν λύτρα σε bitcoins. Τα κλειδιά αποκρυπτογράφησης προφανώς δημοσιεύτηκαν από τους κατασκευαστές του αντιπάλου πακέτου ransοmware που ονομάζεται «Petya & Mischa», οι οποίοι ισχυρίστηκαν ότι παραβίασαν το σύστημα ανάπτυξης της Χίμαιρας, υπόκλεψαν τα κλειδιά καθώς και κομμάτια του κώδικα.

source & more info:

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Windows 10 Anniversary Update on 2nd of August 2016: What's coming up...

Some of the best new features

Windows Ink
Windows Ink is without a doubt the best part of the Anniversary Update. The Surface Book, had ink support in Windows 10 so limited in the beginning. Windows Ink improves things a lot. It’s essentially a central location to find built-in or third-party apps that work with your stylus. You can use the new sticky notes to note down reminders, and they’ll even transform into true reminders as Cortana understands what you write.

Microsoft Edge extensions

If you’re a fan of Chrome extensions, then you’ll be glad to hear that they’re heading to Microsoft’s Edge browser. The Anniversary Update brings support for extensions, and it’s now up to third-party developers to fill the Windows Store with their add-ons. They’re very similar to Chrome extensions, and ones like AdBlock, 1Password, LastPass, and EverNote are already available.

Cortana improvements

Microsoft’s digital assistant, Cortana, debuted on Windows 10 last year, and the software maker is bringing it to the lock screen with the Anniversary Update. You’ll be able to ask it to make a note, play music, set a reminder, and lots more without ever logging in. Cortana is also getting a little more intelligent, with the ability to schedule appointments in Outlook or options to send friends a document you were working on a week ago.

Dark theme and UI tweaks

Microsoft hadn’t fully completed the Windows 10 UI last year, but it’s starting to look a little more polished now. Most laptop displays and monitors have black bezels, and the continued use of a dark mode across the OS just bleeds naturally into the corners. You can switch on what I call even darker mode in settings, and it will switch built-in apps that typically use a white background over to black.


Elsewhere, if you’re a fan of tablet mode then you can now choose to automatically hide the task bar when you’re using a tablet. This lets apps take full advantage of the screen just like they used to in Windows 8, and Microsoft has also improved the all apps view on the Start screen so it’s full screen and easier to navigate.

Set your time zone automatically

Automatic time zone switching in OS X was always there, and astonished that Microsoft has never added a similar feature to Windows. With the Anniversary Update to Windows 10, it’s finally here. If you’re traveling abroad for vacation then you’ll never have to worry about manually adjusting your PC clock again. It sounds like the most minor feature, but more often than not it’s the small things that add up and make a difference. Microsoft hasn’t enabled the automatic time zone switching by default, so you’ll need to enable it from the settings app.

Project to PC

Microsoft is adding a new "project to PC" option in Windows 10 Anniversary Update. It’s similar to remote desktop, but it allows you to easily find a PC to project to from a phone or another PC. You’ll be able to project what you see on your own display onto another machine, and use its keyboard, mouse, and other peripherals. It seems like a feature that is more suited to the business environment, especially if you want to show a colleague a document but don’t necessarily want to share the contents directly with them.

New Skype app

It feels like Windows 10 has so many Skype apps it’s difficult to know which one to choose. While there’s a desktop app and integration into the Messaging app in Windows 10, Microsoft has created a new universal app that’s designed to be the future of Skype on Windows 10. It’s not totally feature complete yet, but for your basic Skype video and audio calls it works well. It launches instantly, and you’ll get notifications for calls and messages straight within Windows 10 whether you have it open or not.

Going by the reviews, it appears Windows 10 Anniversary Update is substantially more stable, and has interesting new features. You can read the first impressions of it on ZDNet, and review on PCWorld.

You can't turn off Cortana in the Windows 10 Anniversary Update

Microsoft made an interesting decision with Windows 10’s Anniversary Update, which is now in its final stages of development before it rolls out on August 2.
Cortana, the personal digital assistant that replaced Windows 10’s search function and taps into Bing’s servers to answer your queries with contextual awareness, no longer has an off switch in Windows 10 Home and Pro.
The impact on you at home: Similar to how Microsoft blocked Google compatibility with Cortana, the company is now cutting off the plain vanilla search option. That actually makes a certain of amount of sense. Unless you turned off all the various cloud-connected bits of Windows 10, there’s not a ton of difference between Cortana and the operating system's basic search capabilities.
In fact, the biggest functional difference is that Cortana is far more useful than plain search thanks to the digital assistant's handy voice commands, reminders, the ability to send text messages, and so on. That said, Microsoft’s move is probably less about the practical differences between Cortana and search, and more about pushing people to use Cortana.

But what if you still don’t want to use Cortana at all?
Refusing to download the Anniversary Update is not an option. You can delay it, but since Windows 10 updates are mandatory for home users, you’ll eventually receive the update. 

Microsoft removes policies from Windows 10 Pro

Professional editions of Windows 10 ship with the Group Policy Editor that enables users and administrators to make changes to the default configuration of the operating system.

Up until now, policy availability was more or less identical for all professional versions of Windows 10. Turns out, this is no longer the case when the Windows 10 Anniversary Update is released.

Some policies contain a note stating that they only apply to certain editions of Windows 10, with Windows 10 Pro not being listed as one of them.

Note: This setting only applies to Enterprise, Education, and Server SKUs

Furthermore, the corresponding Registry keys are not working either anymore which means that Pro users have no option to make changes to features affected by the change.

Update official Microsoft source
Microsoft published a new article on Technet that confirms that policies related to "tips and tricks" and "store suggestions" cannot be disabled anymore on Windows 10 Pro.

sources: The VergeSlashdot, PCWorldGHacks

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Mozilla blocks Flash in Firefox

From August, Mozilla will begin blocking some Flash content as part of its effort to wean the Firefox browser -- and the web -- off Adobe's Flash Player.

Similar to Google's efforts to demote Flash in Chrome while still supporting it, Mozilla said it will block "certain Flash content that is not essential to the user experience" from August.

Then, at some point in 2017, it will turn Flash off by default in Firefox and require users to click in order activate the plugin. It will also block invisible Flash content.

Websites that use Flash or Silverlight for video or games should plan for HTML technologies "as soon as possible", Mozilla said. These plugins are increasingly becoming redundant as more capabilities are brought by HTML5, including audio and video playback, streaming capabilities, 2D and 3D graphics, and access to components such as the microphone and camera.

Reminding that Google said Flash in Chrome would be disabled for all websites except the top 10 globally that still rely on Flash Player. That move doesn't affect video on sites such Facebook and YouTube, which have already moved to HTML5. Even Adobe, though committed to still developing Flash Player, is moving toward HTML5.

source and more info at ZDNet

Thursday, 21 July 2016

DELL N5010 7 BEEPS error at startup

7 beep at startup

it is actually a "beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep-beep" code, 7 beeps. no start screen nothing
seven beeps usually indicates a processor problem. It is very seldom that the processor actually fails, it is most likely a motherboard issue. We may get more specific if you let us know which Dell you have.
See if you can perform a Pre Boot System Assessment (PSA Diagnostic) by holding the “Fn” while rebooting the system. Keep holding "Fn” key until the diagnostic gets initiated. Here are the details on that
You can also try this.
1. Remove main battery.
2. The rear plate for the system is held on by 6 screws. Remove all 6 screws and remove the plate.
3. With the battery compartment nearest to you in the top left corner you will see the CMOS battery.
4. Using a minimal amount of force and a flat tool, pry the battery gently from its seat (it is held on by sticky substance).
5. Unplug the battery from the motherboard by disconnecting the white connector.
6. Wait for two to five minutes and then reattach the battery cable and reseat the battery.
7. Replace the rear plate and the retaining screws and reseat the main battery.
8. Attach the AC adapter and power on the system.
9. If a 5 beep code is heard, switch off the system and restart it.
10. When the system restarts and completes POST successfully, browse to the Drivers and Download page
11. Download and install the latest BIOS Version. from here
If none of that works, you may be looking at a new motherboard. Hope this helps, good luck. from here

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Ίδρυμα Ελπίδα - Τελετή αδελφοποίησης

Η Scicane Ltd. παρέχει τεχνική υποστήριξη στο Ίδρυμα Ελπίδα και ήταν παρόν στην τελετή αδελφοποίησης με τον Σύλλογο Φίλων Ελπίδα της Ελλάδος.

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Linux letting go: 32-bit builds on the way out

Major Linux distributions are in agreement: it's time to stop developing new versions for 32-bit processors.
Simply: it's a waste of time, both to create the 32-bit port, and to keep 32-bit hardware around to test it on.
At the end of June, Ubuntu developer Dimitri Ledkov chipped into the debate with this mailing list post, saying bluntly that 32-bit ports are a waste of resources.

His proposal is that Ubuntu version 18.10 would be 64-bit-only, and if users desperately need to run 32-bit legacy applications, the'll have to do so in containers or virtual machines.

Even that timeline would mean 32-bit versions will go very gently into their good night: i386 would be sunsetted as the host architecture in April 2021, and legacy application security support would continue until April 2023.

for more information and source visit

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Why Does Every Camera Put Photos in a DCIM Folder?

Every camera — whether it’s a dedicated digital camera or the Camera app on Android or iPhone — places the photos you take in a DCIM folder. DCIM stands for “Digital Camera Images.”
The DCIM folder and its layout come from DCF, a standard created back in 2003. DCF is so valuable because it provides a standard layout.

Meet DCF, or “Design rule for Camera File system”

DCF is a specification created by JEITA, the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association. It’s technically standard CP-3461, and you can dig up the arcane standards document and read it online. The first version of this standard was issued in 2003, and it was last updated in 2010.
The DCF specification lists many different requirements with a goal to guarantee interoperability. The file system of an appropriately formatted devics — for example, an SD card plugged into a digital camera — must be FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, or exFAT. Media with 2 GB or larger of space must be formatted with FAT32 or exFAT. The goal is for digital cameras and their memory cards to be compatible with each other.
Ultimately, just having a standard is important — whatever the standard is. That’s why the DCIM folder has followed us from point-and-shoot cameras to smartphone and even tablet camera apps. The Picture Transfer Protocol, or PTP, isn’t the same as the DCF standard, but it serves a similar purpose. It’s been superseded by MTP and other standards, but PTP is supported by Android devices and iPhones for communicating with photo-management applications that support this standard.

As usual, we’re all carrying an old-and-arcane standard forward because it’s better to be compatible with everything than design something new from scratch. That’s the same reason why email is still so popular!
for more information and analysis visit