Saturday, 18 June 2016

Microsoft Testing Tool to Wipe Windows 10 Bloatware

Microsoft announced a new tool that lets you start fresh with a clean installation of Windows.  Use this tool to install a clean copy of the most recent version of Windows, and remove apps that came pre-installed or that you installed on your PC. 

This tool is will only work on recent Windows 10 Insider Preview released builds (build 14342 or later) so far.

The tool will download to start installing Windows 10 automatically.
If you chose to Keep personal files only, and the build of Windows 10 currently installed is more recent than the build available through this tool, you will later be prompted to choose to keep Nothing, and can cancel if desired.
All steps are automated with buttons greyed out. You can close the tool to cancel the operation if needed.
You can reinstall your Windows Apps that are available in the Store using your Microsoft Account.

for more information visit Microsoft Community Forum